Alle Hersteller | Alle Modelle
€ 55,00 *
inkl. MwSt.
Jetzt bei Amazon kaufenin den WarenkorbIn der Regel in 1-2 Tagen versandfertig* am 25. Februar 2020 um 23:04 Uhr aktualisiert
Typ | Tennisschuhe | Hallentennisschuhe |
Marke | Asics |
EAN(s) | 8718833008453 |
When you stand on the baseline in the GEL GAME 5s, nobody can touch you. They give you the stability you need to plant your feet and dominate from the back of the court. And when you need dash to those drop shots, your feet stay comfortable with plenty of cushioning while pivot points on the outsole help you change direction quickly to set yourself for the return.